No-No-November Week 4: Stress Less
I’ve come to the end of my No-No-November purge with just one more item needing addressed: Stress. With these last few days of November, I will be focusing on what I can do less of to make this a special holiday season. My gift to you is these 5 tips to bring peace and joy to your life as well. Enjoy.
1.) Whine Less — (Notice, I did NOT say “Less Wine.”) When you find yourself feeling put out or put upon, consider either making a genuine change or at least keeping your displeasure to yourself. “If you can’t say something nice…”. This includes social media posts. Spread joy not misery.
2.) Buy Less — Resist buying anything for yourself or others that will just need decluttered next No-No-November. Given the option, many people would skip or reduce gift giving in favor of spending more time with friends and family even if that is virtually.
3.) Shop Less — For whatever shopping you do, have a list, a budget, and a strategy. Try not to waste precious time scrolling from screen to screen to screen or heaven forbid wandering aimlessly through a mall.
4.) Work Less — I know this isn’t an option for everyone, but some people can strategically work a little less. The holidays are only a few weeks & giving yourself a break can pay off in increased focus and enthusiasm in 2021.