No-No-November Week 3: Scroll Less. Chill More.

Julia A. Kalish
4 min readNov 17, 2020
Scroll Less — J.A. Kalish

How are we halfway through November? With 2 weeks of No-No-November pre-holiday decluttering behind us we still have 2 full weeks to make things happen. Join me to ensure a fabulous holiday season by proactively reducing, removing, quitting, stopping, and minimizing as many nonessential activities, belongings, habits, and projects as possible.

This week’s goal is to ditch as many sources of virtual clutter as possible. Since a record number of us have been working or schooling from home this year our computers and cell phones have been lifelines. Unfortunately, there a price to pay with the excessive virtual clutter building up distracting our attention, hijacking our focus, and causing important information to slip through the cracks. The good news is that better managing just four main types of virtual clutter can help you regain control.

1.) Email — Everyday more studies are proving that email is actually making us less productive and it is encroaching on precious downtime. Two things must happen to get control of email. First, slow the flow of new email and, second, delete what has accumulated.

Step 1: Get into your trash folder and unsubscribe from any unwanted mail from the last month. Step 2: Tighten your filters or create rules to send more emails directly to your junk folder. Step 3: Make a commitment…



Julia A. Kalish

Julia A. Kalish is a speaker, thinker, writer, thought leader, sleep advocate, defender of the Oxford comma, and a “NO” evangelist.