No-No-November 2020 — Week 1: Do Less & Live More!

Julia A. Kalish
5 min readNov 5, 2020

No-No-November 2020 pre-holiday life declutter has officially begun. Things might be a little different this year going into the holidays but there will still lots of opportunity for joy & celebrations. Join me in my quest so that together we can fully embrace the holidays when they arrive.

Implementing a “NO” philosophy can mean different things to different people but, overall, it is about having free time instead of a packed schedule, enough sleep to better enjoy the best of what every day offers, organized spaces instead of cluttered corners, peace of mind instead of stress and anxiety, a smaller environmental footprint instead of hyperconsumption, and much more (or much less as the case may be).

To get the most out of No-No-November, we start by minimizing in Week 1. Ditching pointless, unrewarding, or redundant tasks will free up time for more traditional decluttering in Week 2. Week 3 will focus on removing virtual clutter leaving Week 4 to finish off anything still needing attention after Thanksgiving (regardless of what Thanksgiving looks like this year).

Everyone’s list may be a little different but removing these 8 activities will move you in the right direction. Consider quitting, reducing, or postponing these things until after the holidays… or indefinitely:



Julia A. Kalish

Julia A. Kalish is a speaker, thinker, writer, thought leader, sleep advocate, defender of the Oxford comma, and a “NO” evangelist.